Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Another Great Sunday

Sometimes churches can experience sort of a let down on the Sunday following Easter. That definitely was not the case at EFBC this past Sunday. It was exciting to see our sanctuary once again quite full, and our Sunday School attendance didn't slip much either. The choir did seem a bit smaller because a few were out or working in the nursery, but we nevertheless had a great crowd for morning worship.

It's always exciting to celebrate new life in Christ, and it was a joy to see CeLena Couch baptized Sunday. May we continue to see lives changed and broken hearts mended. Nobody likes high utility bills, but I hope our water bill starts going up because we have to use our baptistry so much. That would be one higher bill we could all celebrate (unlike the Alagasco bills this winter).

I received a lot of positive feedback on Sunday's two-part message. Dealing with a Scripture text like Romans 14:1-12 is kind of like walking a tight rope. I was wanting to be faithful to the Word of God, but I didn't want to give anyone the idea that Christians have a license to live however they want to. In the end, I think both things were accomplished. The freedom we have in Christ is wonderful, but we must never forget that with freedom comes great responsibility. We will build on that thought with this Sunday's message.

Bro. Shane

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