Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Calvinism "Debate"

How interesting after our discussion of Calvinism on Sunday night that there would be a "debate" on Monday concerning the very same thing. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Seminary in Kentucky and Paige Patterson, president of Southwestern Seminary in Texas, both presented their points of view and had a discussion about Calvinism yesterday in Greensboro.

I found out about this from my good friend Noel Dear's blog. He is in North Carolina for the convention and is updating his blog regularly. Noel said that the so-called debate never really got past the viewpoint level, but did say that both men were outspoken in condemning those we would consider to be hyper-Calvinist. If you'd like to read Noel's take on what's going on at the convention, you can access his blog at:


Another good website to keep up with what's going on is the Baptist Press page:


Interesting comments from Joyce Rogers, the widow of famous Baptist pastor Dr. Adrian Rogers. Many of you know that Dr. Rogers is one of my "heroes of the faith," so I was very interested in what she had to say. I think she beautifully stated what I was trying to say on Sunday night, only in a much clearer and more eloquent way than I was able to achieve. You can read the article on the Baptist Press site.

Bro. Shane


Jeff Brooks / TwoTwenty Ministries said...

What's hyper-Calvinism?
Also, Joyce Rogers rocks!

Shane "George" Lambert said...

O.K., somebody's got to go and get technical on me. I've updated my blog to make it more "technically" correct.

Seriously, thanks for reading the blog. And yes, Joyce Rogers' comments were awesome.