Friday, September 03, 2010

What Time Is It?

I'm crazy excited about this Sunday at EFBC, and I'll tell you why: I'm starting a new sermon series entitled Are We Living In The Last Days? Did you get a flyer in the mail recently about a seminar being held in Anniston on this same subject? I've had several people ask me about this, and I honestly had to tell them that I know nothing about this teacher and what he believes.

What I do know, however, is what the Bible teaches; and there seems to be a lot of interest in this given the events in our world today. That's why I'm REALLY excited about these messages. This series is going to be a thorough examination of where I believe we are in Bible prophecy, and what I believe we can expect to happen in the near future.

Let me encourage you to get the word out about this series. Invite your friends and loved ones, especially those who don't know Jesus. People are fascinated with Bible prophecy, and just might be interested enough to come to church for this series. My sermon for Sunday is entitled What Time Is It?, and we'll be looking at Matthew 24.

Jesus is coming again. Are you ready?


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