Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Does Anybody See What I See?

Does anybody see what I see? In the past six months, I've seen things at EFBC that have absolutely blessed my socks off. Every week I'm more and more in awe as I see God working in our midst. As I reflect on what He's been doing, I can't help but wonder if others are taking notice too.

I see a church that has fully embraced its primary mission, which is to glorify Jesus Christ and to make His name known. I see people who've come to the conclusion that we ought to be working overtime to see Hell depopulated. I see people who've fully sold out for this mission, and the results are showing more and more.

I see a church that has caught the vision for what God wants to do in this community. I see people who are dreaming incredibly big, God-sized dreams about the future of the body of Christ at Eulaton. I see the things I had envisioned seven and a half years ago when I came here as your pastor beginning to come to fruition.

I see people who are moving out of their comfort zones and doing things that are stretching them. I see folks who've decided that the mission and the ministry that God's placed before us are far more important than their own personal security. I see these same people smiling a lot more as they exercise their gifts in serving the Lord.

I see that people's creative juices are beginning to flow more than ever, and that folks are really learning to think outside the box. I see a church that's been here for over 120 years realizing that we don't have to live in the past to serve God in the present. I see people who have begun to understand what Jesus meant when He said new wine requires new wineskins.

And most importantly, I see lives that are being changed. I see hearts that are being transformed. I see more and more people who are crossing over from death to life, and that's what it's really all about.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this: I see a living, breathing New Testament church that is alive right here in Eulaton, Alabama.

Does anybody see what I see?

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